New Comic Alert: 'Jake Likes Onions' By Jake Thompson
by Caleb GoellnerThe latest GoComics series, Jake Likes Onions, neither stars a "Jake" nor particularly evangelizes onions, but you know how it is -- "Funny Comic With Awesome Rendering" was already taken on all of the good social media channels.
What started out as Jake Thompson's randomly-named Instagram art feed is now a fully-formed four-panel comic strip, coming at you approximately twice a week right here on GC. Drawn on real paper in a 6x6" square, JLO distills one creator's corporate cynicism into deadpan works of lovingly-rendered wit. Or maybe Jake's just creating comics by picking things he finds fun to draw and working a joke into the mix? Who even cares? Have you seen this guy's hatching and stippling? It's awesome.
Even if you don't care for onions the way the title of this comic does, Jake Likes Onions will care for you. Well, the comic's really funny, at any rate. Head over to meet JLO (not J.Lo), today.
Willywise52 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Looks good.Gonna check it out.
Sovie Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The “Funny Comic With Awesome Rendering” link doesn’t work.
Toonerific almost 7 years ago
Dear Gocomics, don’t you feel even a little guilty about the fact that you’ve left comics behind in the Sherpa section that had subscriber numbers that far outnumber the average new comic you’re adding to Gocomics? How about promoting some of them?! How many months has it been now? It’s just not right.
Anne Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The title hooked me -