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  1. about 4 hours ago on Fred Basset

    My sympathies. For me, my mother.

  2. about 5 hours ago on Fred Basset

    Yeah, there always seems to one who brings up those events we don’t find amusing at all.

  3. 1 day ago on Fred Basset

    Plausible. Very plausible. We’ll go with that, and it probably is true since you don’t remember anything else.

  4. 1 day ago on Fred Basset

    Nope. Not buying it. I have seen dogs resist, and I have seen the opposite. I’m not into the whole “Well dogs will be dogs. He just couldn’t resist.” Mine do resist. They also know they will get a treat for good behavior.

  5. 2 days ago on Fred Basset

    No way am I blaming Mrs. D. Fred knew better. That’s why the guilty look.

  6. 2 days ago on Fred Basset

    Ohhh, Fred! You messed up big time. No sad puppy dog eyes will fix it this time. Time and excellent behavior and some groveling on your part will help.

  7. 3 days ago on Fred Basset

    That qualifies as a “magic pill”.

  8. 3 days ago on Fred Basset

    Yes. Funny that we both speak “English”, but not the same English. I get such a kick out of it.

  9. 3 days ago on Fred Basset

    I had in mind that whoever would be intelligent enough to vet the “magic pill” to be safe. Not just gulp something down.

  10. 3 days ago on Fred Basset

    Well, actually Fred, most of us would. We’d all take that magic pill.