I tried a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies the other day. I’m watching what I eat but I can make allowances for desserts. Anyway they were supposed to be chewy and were fluffy instead. Disappointing and not worth the calories, so I dumped the dough. It was a complicated recipe on top of that.
Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay is a spoof of all the archaeological digs purported to be religious. Seems everything primitive people did was for some religious purpose.
That reminds me of a local supermarket that had this gumball machine that would rooster crow ever minute or two. It was at checkout and I asked the cashier how they could stand it. They said they got used to it and ignored it, LOL!
I have a bird in my bird house with a chick in August. I thought they did the nesting thing in the spring. Also this bird was trying to feed the chick in my other birdhouse early in the year and would be shooed away by the mother of that chick.
I love going to a restaurant and seeing a family come in and immediately break out phones. One news report was at a local ice cream place with outside dining. Everyone was on their phones.
I couldn’t even get a BEE license!!