Draws things. Writes stuff. Music lover. Likes penguins.
Worst dog and pony show ever—or perhaps the best.
I don’t recall ever seeing this storyline. I’m assuming it doesn’t end well since Snoopy’s betrothed isn’t in later strips.
Whirlwind dogmance.
So, Peppermint Patty, who literally went to obdience school, is treating Charlie Brown as if he’s a dog. What a strange role reversal.
That’s using your blockhead!
Did anyone sign anything? Is there a legally binding contract? No? Then Chuck is one blockhead who is going to stay in bed.
Do rotor blades count?
Snoopy finally smartened up when he realized that he wasn’t getting paid enough for this gig.
Mobile horticulture.
Worst dog and pony show ever—or perhaps the best.