Cat lying on back t2

BJIllistrated Premium

Happy fairly healthy boomer, wanna be cartoonist, and all round lover of life. My furry friends are my companions on this journey. Outgoing, and loves to read comments from my friends here on Go Comics.

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  1. about 1 hour ago on Amanda the Great

    Fortunately we made up pretty quickly. He even came up to me that night and licked my face where the cuts were. They, like us, don’t like change much, and they’ve been through several moves with me already.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    Thanks for your concern, but if it was going to have to be someone I’m glad it’s him. He’s always been a great kid, and loves me very much. He’s just being sure I’m not making any mistakes, as I’ve been diagnosed with early on dementia. It’s being treated and I’m taking new meds that weren’t around when my Dad had it.

    It’s just a bit hard to let go of the reins as this is all new. He saw his grandfather go through it, so he knows what he’s in for. I’m hoping to keep active at my new place, and make new friends that I can see and talk to. It’s the one big thing I miss living in an apartment without a hallway to your neighbor. I hardly ever see them, and then it’s a quick HI and BY.

  3. about 2 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    Me too! I live close to Mill Plain near McGrath’s.

  4. 1 day ago on Amanda the Great

    Dan, that isn’t an excuse unless Tooncy is on it’s last legs. Just put Toonce in it’s bed and lay the heating pad over (or under) it. Problem solved. Of couse I’d use that excuse if I wasn’t in the middle of a move myself. The guys came yesterday for most of the furniture which is a store that takes nice furniture for charity and sells it to dontate to the charity.

    The cats were in the bathroom and NOT happy about it. When the guys left I let them out and they were SO confused about where everything went. One of them boxed me straight across the face later last night. I look like I’ve been in a serious accident. Scratches accross my nose and cheeks that bled for awhile.

  5. 2 days ago on Amanda the Great

    You’re right about that. I’ve been on both sides of that fence. When I barely had enough money for rent it seemed like a treat to order out or pickup something at a drive thru. I fully understand the motivation to do it, but at my age I can see both sides clearly. I’m now going to spend my remaining years dependent on my son. Not at all what I had planned.

  6. 2 days ago on Amanda the Great

    I would gladly but I’m only a newbie at it, so don’t hold your breath if ya know what I mean :-)

  7. 2 days ago on Amanda the Great

    I faintly recall him telling me about it, but I’ll have to wait to ask him when I get wherever I’m going next :-)

  8. 2 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Have to admit I’d never heard of it either. In this context it makes no sense, since it’s used medically for heart patients to prevent heart attacks (according to Alexa).

  9. 3 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Thanks Tigressy. My friend that was here yesterday told me the same. Yes I’m holding onto it for sure. I’m almost certain my brother, now past, gave it to me, so it will stay with me unless someone offers and exorbitant amount of money as you suggested. He’d want me to do just that. Sure miss him.

  10. 3 days ago on Amanda the Great

    My practical side (from my Mom) would reject the coffee shop altogether and make her own coffee. My madly wild side would go for it in a heart beat. Danm the money I don’t have to spend on it. These days my Mom is winning.

    Yesterday a good friend was helping me out with errands, and made a stop for herself to get a coffee drink. I thought to myself, this lady doesn’t have two nickels to rub together, and she’s spending money on a coffee drink that I’d offered to her free just a few hours before. Yup, Mom is definitely winning..